
时间:2024-08-11 06:56:14 初中作文 我要投稿


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  Green always brings us a sense of relaxation. And trees, representing green, can also produce the essential food for people's survival - oxygen.

  Looking forward, looking forward. We welcomed the spring outing and tree planting activity on April 1st.

  After we got off the highway, a beautiful view came into view, with a large area of green mountains surrounded by green water. However, the downside was that there was not much vegetation on the side of the mountains, revealing loess and a depression that looked very eye-catching. At first, I thought it was because it had been raining a few days ago, which caused a landslide and resulted in the absence of trees. But this idea was soon rejected because a classmate saw several quarries and several excavators. About 30 minutes later, we arrived at our destination - a small farmhouse in Shangwen Village, Xinkai Township, Yueyang City.

  As soon as I got off the car, fresh air rushed in. After waiting for the whole grade to gather, we went to plant trees. Our seemingly simple tree planting activity has many precautions, such as not putting too much fertilizer, otherwise the tree will die due to excessive nutrition, the soil must be filled in, otherwise the tree will drown when it rains, and so on. We have all fulfilled these requirements with great care. Because the small tree is not only the clothing of Mother Earth, but also a life that requires our care and care.

  After planting the trees, we started our picnic. Looking at the green mountains across from us, we couldn't help but think of the heart wrenching loess on the road.

  We go to plant trees to add a touch of green to the earth, to dress the earth in green clothes, and to contribute our humble efforts to the mother earth. But the people in the quarry made Earth undress and squander the wealth given to them by Mother Earth without any mercy. If we allow them to damage the land like this, where should we go? The mountains and forests are gone, and the green is also gone. Where is the oxygen that people need for life? Can humans survive without oxygen? So please don't think that destroying trees is just a simple matter, but this small matter is related to the future of our entire humanity!

  So from now on, let's work together to protect trees, protect the earth, and also protect our own beautiful future.


  This year's Arbor Day falls on Saturdays, making it difficult to concentrate activities. So, today, we celebrated Arbor Day ahead of schedule with practical actions.

  There are two large areas of nearly 800 poplar trees outside our campus. In spring, summer, and autumn, the poplar forest is lush with branches and leaves, becoming a beautiful scenery. Spring has arrived, and the little poplar tree should also be beautified. Our task today is to dress the poplar tree in clean and beautiful clothes.

  In order not to delay class, we made use of our lunch break. At one o'clock, the children were led by the teacher, some holding buckets, some holding bowls, and some holding large brushes. Arriving into the forest in a grand and mighty manner. Teacher Kang has already prepared the white paint. After assigning tasks, the teachers led everyone to work enthusiastically towards the world.

  The seventh grade children gave them a row of trees by the roadside. Under the guidance of Teacher Hua Wei, they painted trees carefully one by one. In no time, a row of small trees were all dressed in snow-white clothes, and the children were so happy watching their labor results. But they worked in groups, under the demonstration of satisfactory teachers and Wu Fang, and painted in an orderly manner, with no slow speed.

  The eighth grade has heavy tasks and poor working conditions. They were divided into trees in the depression and accumulated a winter of fallen leaves. When someone stepped on them, thick dust was stirred up, choking people's eyes. But under the guidance of teachers Hongxiang and Jin, the children were not afraid of being dirty or tired at all, and in the blink of an eye, they painted a large area.

  The ninth grade children are divided into a large area on the west side of Yonglu. Their grade, age, and efficiency not only painted their assigned trees quickly and cleanly, but they were also ordered to do post cleaning work, checking all the trees and making up for any missed ones.

  After more than half an hour of labor, all the little poplar trees were dressed in snow-white clothes, giving them a completely new feeling.

  Yes, spring has arrived, and the small poplar tree has already grown buds, and new leaves are about to emerge. We use diligent hands to welcome the arrival of Spring Girl with our small poplar tree clean and beautiful.


  Today is the annual Arbor Day. My mother and I bought dozens of jujube trees and planted them on my grandfather's land. On the road, the weather is sunny and cloudless, even the birds chirp as if singing for me!

  When we arrived at my grandfather's house, we hurriedly arrived at this piece of land on the mountain with him. Let's take a look, ah! The ground was bare, with an old tree and a few burnt down branches standing alone here, nodding to us as if sadly saying, "Children, you have finally arrived. I have lived here for decades, but without any companions or friends, it's really lonely." I thought to myself, "If we plant more than ten trees today, this place will definitely become a beautiful forest in a few years.". As soon as I said I would do it, my grandfather saw me eager to give it a try and divided the work: "Dad is responsible for digging tree pits with a hoe, Mom is responsible for planting tree seedlings, Grandpa shovels soil, and Grandma is responsible for delivering tree seedlings." I was puzzled, so I asked my grandfather, "What am I doing?" My grandfather smiled and said, "You're still young, you don't have the strength." I had a sudden idea and could water it. I quickly said to my grandfather, "I'm responsible for watering." After listening, my grandfather said, "There's plenty of rain these days and you don't need to water it." Ah! I am completely confused. My father saw my disappointed expression and said boldly, "My task is assigned to you." But my mother disagreed. She said, "If you are weak, you should be responsible for planting seedlings." I jumped up with joy when I heard this.

  We have started planting trees. My grandfather skillfully dug a tree pit, and I quickly ed the tree root. My grandfather then surrounded the tree root with soil and knocked on the other side of the hoe a few times. I asked my grandfather why it was like this, and he confidently said, "If it weren't like this, the tree wouldn't be able to live." As soon as my grandfather finished speaking, my mother's side was doing well again, and I quickly ran over to plant the tree. So, back and forth, busy with everything.

  In the blink of an eye, dozens of trees were all planted. I said to my grandfather, "Because I have to study from Monday to Friday, the sapling asked you. My grandfather agreed. I smiled."


  Grass grows and birds fly, spring returns to the earth. On the occasion of Arbor Day on March 12th, people are heading towards the fields and hills, taking action to plant trees and contribute to creating a beautiful blue sky together. So the day before Arbor Day, at 7 o'clock in the morning, I arrived at the Construction Building and took the No. 65 bus. After more than an hour, I arrived at Xiaganjiang Village in Xiying, and walked for 40 minutes to reach our destination for tree planting - Tizi Mountain.

  A team of over 120 people started hiking, and the leader assigned us a very detailed division of labor, including several groups such as soil digging, water lifting, watering, tree planting, and quality supervision. My children and I were all assigned to the tree planting group. We started planting trees with shovels, pickaxes, hoes, and buckets. Men carry water and dig pits, while women and children water and plant trees. We are very particular about the quality of tree planting. Tree pits need to be dug 30 centimeters long, 40 centimeters wide, and 40 centimeters deep. I will dig the tree pit first, and then plant small trees. During the process of digging a tree pit, I came across a large stone. I used my hands to forcefully dig out the large stone and picked up the small stones one by one from the pit. Then, I put the small tree seedlings in, and used my hands to place good soil without impurities around the small tree. Then, I used my small fists to compact the soil. Then, I used the newly picked small stones to build a small cofferdam around the small tree to facilitate soil and water conservation. Then, I poured a bucket full of peanut oil and water, So my little tree has been planted. Hang the pre made small sign with my name and words of hope on my small tree.

  When we walk down the mountain path with exhaustion all over us, looking back at the small saplings we just planted swaying gently in the breeze, as if waving goodbye to us! Our hearts are filled with joy, having spent a meaningful day, hoping that next year I can see the lush mountains. May everyone in the world plant a small sapling and watch them grow, how interesting it is! The future of the Earth must be green. Let each and every one of us take action, love nature, cherish every plant and tree, everyone comes to plant trees, everyone has a green consciousness, and only then can our society be harmonious.


  The spring breeze blew, and the swallows flew back. Spring girl rode the spring breeze to the human world.

  On the morning of March 6th, Citizen Square was particularly lively because we were accompanied by our parents and prepared to have a big fight here with tree planting tools. Although the weather was not beautiful and it started raining, it couldn't dampen our enthusiasm for planting trees at all. Everyone eagerly waited for the seedlings to arrive.

  In no time, the truck brought in the saplings. Everyone brought the saplings in an orderly manner. I am in a group with Lu Jiani, Wu Zhenyu, and Lou Xuzhen. The northeast corner of the square is our "battlefield", and our mothers have actively joined in. We are divided into mother son and mother daughter parent-child groups. Everyone can do whatever they say, some carry saplings, some dig pits, and some carefully plant saplings into the pits. "Hey, be gentle and don't get the tree roots right." "When cultivating soil, be careful and don't scratch the bark." "Hold it straight and don't let it tilt." We reminded each other that every plant is like this, which can be said to be "meticulous". At this moment, the rain was even more enjoyable, and we had eliminated the need for watering. However, we were all drenched in "soaked chicken" and turned into "little monkey mud". We, who were full of enthusiasm, didn't care! Look at Lou Xuzhen, she's just one of them.

  At this moment, my mother and I encountered a small problem in our group. As the rain started to rain heavily, the water in the puddle became more and more accumulated. However, my strength was weak and the speed of soil cultivation was slow. Suddenly, the water overflowed. My mother made a decisive decision and immediately switched jobs with me - I helped the trees, and she started soil cultivation. Sure enough, my strong mother filled the pit in just a few strokes, making me laugh uncontrollably.

  After a morning of hard work, small saplings took root on the grass in the square. Wu Zhengyu, Lou Xuzhen, and others clapped and smiled. Lu Jiani and I gently caressed the saplings and said, "Young saplings, young saplings, you are bathed in the spring sunshine. Grow up quickly, with lush branches and leaves, and hold up a big umbrella for the tomorrow of our motherland."










