高一英语作文:looking forward

时间:2024-02-07 07:18:25 高中作文 我要投稿

高一英语作文:looking forward

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高一英语作文:looking forward

  At present, the National development and Reform mission conducted a massive online poll. The May Day Golden Week will be cut from three days to one day.

  I think it is a wise decision. I’m for it because it will have a good influence on the ough the May Day Golden Week has been cut, three traditional festivals have bee national holiday, which will promote the understanding of the traditional culture. As is known to all, nowadays teeagers are crazy about other countries’ festivals rather than ours. So it is necessary to change their ideas and develop our rich traditional ’s more, the new regulation also help reduce heavy pressure of the places of while, it will produce more chances for people to get together, sharing their happiness.

  Altogether,it will help us achieve the goal of harmony society. We are looking forward to it.