
时间:2024-05-21 07:55:51 高中作文 我要投稿





  The movie Harry Portter is favored by the people all around the world and the novels are read by fans. Though the movie has ended, the three main protagonists are remembered all the time. Emma Watson is one of the main protagonists. She plays the role very well and she never gives up her study, which sets the great example to the young people. After the end of the movie, Emma goes to the top university, though she continues her acting career, she still focuses on her study. When she graduates, she works on promoting the equality between men and women. She becomes the spokesman of feminism and she gives the inspiring speech He For Her. Everybody gives high praise to this girl. She’s grown up and becomes a strong woman. Her speech is supported by the public.



  Last week, I watched a sad movie, it was my friend asked me to watch, she said I must be touched. Then I was very curious and watched the movie The Legend of 1900. It told a story about a man who grew up in the ship and never left there, he chose to destroyed with the ship at last. The man was named 1900 for he was born in that time, he had no parents and a man worked in the ship nursed him. After the man died in the accident, 1900 had to live by his own, he found he had great talent in playing piono. So he played for the guests and soon he got famous. The most impressive scene was 1900 accepted challenge from other piano artists. 1900 was a lonely boy, he never steped into the land, he gave up the girl he liked.



  Everyone has an idol,no matter old nor young. Some people worship athletes, some people worship the scientists, and the worship movie stars or singers.However,my idol is my father.

  During the childhood, in my eyes, father is a tall and majestic man.He can protect everyone in my family and appear around you just in right time.I remember once time,i broke my toes after a football game.And when i realize what happened i just lay in the ward.What suprise me is, my father sat beside me.Day by day,father look after for me in the next month.Every time i thought about that,i can still feel my father's warm hands and careful eyesight.

  Father is getting more silver hair,maybe one day he need my help,but i would think he as my idol with the time passing.


Dear President:

  It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student, Miss Shen Ming, a 21-year-old graduate of our institute this year. Miss Shen entered our institute in 1985 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress. During the four years of study, she has always ranked high in her class. In 1987, she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest.

  Coming from a family of English teachers, Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English. It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics, methodology as well as on the English language. It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute .

  With best regards,Yours sincerely,Wang Shen


Dear Editor

  l'm 'Li Hua,a student in a high schooI .I find there are more and more people keeping fit according different ways. More and more women look this as a instyle way. I think some ways are pretty good but some are not very well.

  For example,we can keep our diet to keep fit. Some people use the medicines,some even use the options.We also can do more exercise.

  The results are differet.I think except the last way,others are bad for our health.Lots of business men use the medicines ,teas,or machines to seek the hign profit,but maybe it can injures oursulf.

  As far as I am concerned,exercise is the best way to keep fit.So let's exercise together!


  With the improvement of living level, thegoods' package have become more and more complicated and exaggerated. Thus, thephenomenon of the excessive packaging is common around us. Such as Mid-autumnmoon cakes. But what factors contribute to this phenomenon?


  Firstly, as we all know, a large number ofmarkets and stores think that goods which are well-decorated could attractconsumers and inspire consumers to purchase goods. So they can earn more money.Secondly, consumers hold the idea that the more elegant the goods look, thebetter quality of the commodity is. What's more, the government didn't makerelevant rules to prevent this phenomenon.


  Personally speaking, excessive packaginghas a bad influence on our environment, which also wastes precious resources.So we should increase our awareness of consuming and save rare resources. Atthe same time, some useful measures should be taken by the government. It'shigh time we took action to prevent this situation. Only in this way can we putan end to this trend.



Dear Tom,

  How is everything going?

  I was exceedingly delighted when I heard that you will pay a visit to our school. I am writing these lines with the purpose of telling you some details about your visit.

  During the two days, I will show you around our beautiful school, which gives me considerably strong sense of excitement. You can communicate with a great many teachers and students, who are willing to give you a helping hand beyond all doubts and let you have a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture in addition. About the last day, we will have a photo with you in memory of this meaningful and wonderful experience for both of us.

  Please tell me the accurate number of your flight and the time you will arrive at the airport, where I will pick you up.

  Best wishes!


Li Hua


  1. aside from 除...外(还有)

  2. ask for the moon异想天开

  3. at a loss 茫然,不知所措

  4. at a time 一次,每次

  5. at all costs 不惜一切代价

  6. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何

  7. at all times 随时,总是

  8. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不

  9. at any rate 无论如何,至少

  10. at best 充其量,至多

  11. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来

  12. at first 最初,起先

  13. at hand 在手边,在附近

  14. at heart 内心里,本质上

  15. at home 在家,在国内

  16. at intervals 不时,每隔...

  17. at large 大多数,未被捕获的

  18. at last 终于

  19. at least 至少


  Dear Sir, about the people doing the square dance in our community, which has made me terribly upset. Recently, every morning and evening, many people gather to dance in our community square, the long-time dancing and the noise pollution really bring about unbearable inconveniences. We can’t rest or sleep well. As a result, the students are not only late for school but also sleepy in class, and the workers are easily tired out while working. Here are some suggestions to solve the problem. They are supposed either to shorten the dancing time and reduce the music noise or to make another choice of dancing places. Only in this way can they have fun and let Would you please communicate with the organizers about what I said? Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Li Hua.


  My hometown is in the countryside, there is no seaside so beautiful, and there is no city so bustling, but there is a unique scenery, and there is a view worthy of people in all four seasons. Spring Spring is the end of the year. It is also the beginning of the new year. Spring, the hundred flowers, even the grass, also extended the curious small head, the field, green grass is not bullied, the breeze blows, the grass is swaying, it is hidden in the grass. The wildflowers "exposed" are in front of people, the grass is swaying, and the little flower is hidden, and a good spring scenery! ! ! Summer sun is empty, the hot summer is accompanied by lotus flowers. Summer is hot, walking on the street will feel sweaty back, if you take a shower in the river, it is too comfortable. The river in front of the house is full of big red lotus, green-green lotus leaves are lining the lotus, it is true that the lotus leaves are infinite, and the lotus flowers are not red. Good summer scenery! ! ! In the autumn, the autumn wind told people that autumn came. Autumn is the most comfortable, sitting in that tree, blowing by the breeze, there will be a few leaves falling in your body from time to time. This piece of tree leaves like a stamp, telling people to autumn. Looking at the far, the withered leaves hang on the tree like golden oranges, and the wind blows, the little oranges are shaking, as if they are going to be mature. On the distance of the mountain, there are various colors of flowers, which can be said: green mountain green water, white grass red leaf yellow flowers. A beautiful colorful autumn scene! ! ! The winter accompanied the snowflakes, the charming winter is coming, the house, the tree, the ground is all paved with a thick snow layer, and the world is turned into the world of silver, and the snow is still constantly, reach out, Snowflakes immediately melted by the temperature in the hand. The branches are filled with heavy snowballs, and the silver bars are covered with bright crystals. Snowflakes fall in people's clothes, on the hat, slightly shake, snow will fly like feathers. A good panorama of a powder! ! ! This is the four seasons of my hometown, spring flowers, summer green trees, autumn fresh fruit fragrance, winter white snow. My hometown is like a pearl in the East, shines with a high. I love my beautiful hometown! !


  You will not succeed until you have your strong will.As the material says,there would exist a big trouble which you can’t pass away when you abandon your dream.

  Today,more and more people become normal.You can see that people give up on the half of the way to success easily around your life.Maybe they would have the amazing keen enthusiasm at the beginning of their plan.Howerer,their enthusiasm would reduce day by day.

  In my opinion,there are too many lures to make us forget what a person we want to be or what thing we want to get at the first time.Then what will happen?People start to avoid woking、studing 、giving up smoking and something else.

  As a result,perseverance is most important thing And the key to keep it is that you must have a strong will which make you get over a lot of problem and add the energy of your spirit to refuse the lures.


  As is known to all, science and technology in the modern society and life plays a more and more important role, but the technology is also a double-edged sword, in its bright and hidden under the aura of many dangers.

  If the benefits, convenient proper application of life, can speed up the economic development and social progress, if use undeserved harm human society. For example, someone for personal computer virus, science and technology brings pollution

  In my opinion,Human beings should respect the power of science and technology, and do our best to use its positive energy, which is good for society


  假设你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请你给外教露西写一封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:







  Dear Lucy,I'd like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival.


  Yours,Li Hua


  Dear Lucy,I'd like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We'll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly there. We'll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we'll wait for you at the school gate at 9 in the morning.

  Looking forward to your reply.



  It's almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city.

  In south, summer always comes earlier than north.It has been hot for about half a month. The highest temperature reached 37 degree.Now, there are much less people in the street.People are not likely to go out during the summer. It's so hot outside.Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always full filled with people.Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night.

  Personally, I do not like summer, because it's too hot and the sunshine is strong.I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable.Therefore, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.


  The new year is coming!Now,it's the time to make plans for the new is what I will do: will get better 'm good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my 'll study better! will break my bad often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So I'll get up earlier than usual. will eat eat a lot of junk food. They are not good for my should eat more fruits and will make my body healthier and stronger. This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even 'll work hard to keep my resolutions What are your plans for the new year? Whih best wishes for the new year, 新年即将来临,现在我要为新年定下目标






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