
时间:2024-06-07 18:18:03 高中作文 我要投稿














  Each people all have own dream, the dream of every one of us are great, happy, far away.

  It is dream that bring us to we want to go to every place, do we want to do every thing. Dreams make each for their goals to strive, to strive, to strive, to develop. Every mans dream is different. Some people dream is to a flight attendant, some people dream is a teacher, some people dream is an actor, some people dream is rich... And my dream is to become a singer, since this has been my dream, and the other people start to ask my dream is something, but I “cheat” they say this is that, I never and others said that my dream is a singer.

  Do you know why? Because I own reason, I probably never realize this desire! Is what reason makes me lose faith in myself all the. I dont want to say, I also dare not say, even if you dont have the reason, so the students will laugh at me, they would say: “a man like you can when the singer, the people all over the world is the star, they might say yes, I sing songs no voice at all and no one out of tune, I sing songs about said no one can hear. But I like singing, I love to sing. Why would become like this? Music class in the last section, the class every one of us want to sing, because the singing the obtained result would be an examination result. Im afraid, really afraid of. I dont know how many points, I would probably is the lowest points in our class!

  I am more afraid of, Ill have the courage to sing it, I can sing it, I can sing it, the students can hear it, the teacher will hear you. I dare not to think, really did not dare to think. My heart is going to stop. I really want to sing a song? The students one by one beautiful song let teacher is very happy very happy. Is to me what should I do, I have to sing it well, but I can do it? Sure can, now only believe in myself on my own. Yes, only myself believe in myself, be sure to have confidence in myself. To me, dont be nervous.

  I sure can. I bring you a Christine fan “original dream”, “the initial dream, hold in your hands, how can want to place on the way home, the original dream, will definitely arrive. Realized the true desire, is been to heaven.” I sing, I finally ended. The students gave me a big round of applause, the teacher gave me a satisfied smile.

  I am really very happy very touched, I finally succeeded. Thank you. Although the dream is very far from us, but we as long as you work hard, even if not implemented, we also satisfied. At least we tried, so we dont regret, lets go for our dream to work! We will be successful. Come on!



  如今我真的成功成为一名军人,我感到自豪! 梦想起航 人生中总是起起伏伏。回忆曾经,我是个读书爱玩,拼命挥霍青春的资本,叛逆、无所畏惧的孩子,因此也吃了不少苦头。那时候,不知道什么是梦想,应该怎样实现自己的梦想。直到有一天,我踏上参军的旅程,我发现,原来我找到了自己的梦想,穿上耀眼的绿色的军装,不正是我所想要的吗?这一刻,醒悟!确定梦想,并扬起生命之帆,勇敢、坚定振兴我的军人之梦。

  为梦坚持 我知道一切并不是易事,自从来到这里,我才发现,原来现实和梦想真的很大差别,但是,我明白这是我自己选择的路,即使跪着也要把它走完,不管怎么样我都要拼命坚持。当新兵时的记忆,深深在脑海里,铭记在心灵深处,那种感受没经历过的人说出来也不会明白,但是我经历了,我坚持了,我发现自己也成长了!感谢军营改变一个什么都不懂的孩子,我会一直为自己的梦坚持下去! 现在我是一位老兵了,看着精神抖擞、神采飞扬的新兵们,像看到那时候带着梦想的自己。

  当然现在自己的历练还不够,唯一能说的就是做好自己。践行自己的梦想,从改变自己做起! 梦想腾飞 经过这一年多追逐梦想的'旅程,我真的不再是那个不懂事的90后了。 在这里我明白做为军人的意义,不仅仅是穿上那闪耀的松枝绿军装,更是穿上了一种责任,作为一名军人的责任。因此,我为我的梦想插上责任的翅膀,向蓝天腾飞! “俱往昔,数风流人物,还看今朝。”如今的我们,承载着祖国强大腾飞的梦想,所以,努力奋斗,不畏挫折与困难,一往无前,追寻自己腾飞的梦想,成为祖国腾飞的实践者是我们军人的责任!也是我梦想旅程的目标。 蓝天下每一个梦想都是一朵花,一个鲜活的生命。旭日东升,新的阳光穿透层层雾霭,迎接焕然一新的自己。

  在阳光下,我默默告诉自己:践行梦想,我追逐的脚步永远不停。 在激扬的青春岁月里,勇于开拓,敢于创新,不畏艰难,践行强军梦,当从我做起!让我的梦想旅程不再单调! ——为我哥哥写的。


  Seeds with a thirst for spring, break through the soil confine, ushered in the spring breeze lightly; Butterfly dreams for the world, to break the cocoon chrysalis closed, with the fragrance of the flowers; Wong filled with a long-term vision for the freshmen, break the bondage of cicada, ushered in the cool and refreshing breeze.

  But dreams just had skyrocketed feat; Only aim at the blue sky, just have the hovering flying high precision.

  Three bricklayer someone asked: "what are you doing?" The first workers said without hesitation: "build by laying bricks or stones wall." The second worker wanted to mean to say: "I in the money for the family." Third workers said: "I is building the world's most rich characteristics of house." Later, the first two are ordinary workers life bricklayer, while the third workers has become a famous architect.

  How much heart, the stage has much.

  Since the childhood, I had a dream that can mount the stage of the CCTV is very 6 + 1, show their elegant demeanour. In order to this dream, I gave up a lot of time to rest, learn guzheng, practicing dance, with sweat and tears watered the flowers of success.

  Senior year summer vacation, I took part in the contest of "dandelion" national push new guzheng. Stand out in the taizhou audition, recommended to go to Beijing to attend the national finals. Hearing the news, I was excited and nervous, to the delight of previous hard were not in vain, tense is can get prize, because to go to Beijing is more than, can saying is a good all. As the saying goes, "a minute on stage, the audience ten years of work." Only practice to the point of perfection, can stand on the highest podium to.

  So I give oneself booked a detailed training plan, eyes open every day, practice more to the night. Volts, midsummer, sweat drenched the garment unlined upper garment to rest also, sunlight to practice, practice, moonlight light practice, forget the fatigue, forget the hunger, finally practice very skilled, who also lost a circle.

  Go to Beijing in a day of competition, after a night of turbulence, yearn, we came to Beijing, the capital of into JingFeng hotel. Got there to journey laughton, I immediately put into practice. Tense moment came, I walked on stage, with assurance in the judges picky eyes, play the don't know for how many times of tune "war stage manners". Eight fingers kept bay pick twist on the strings, like two butterflies hovering, gradually, I wander among them, to see the dockers lively, hot work, see the workers to cope with the typhoon condition, see the typhoon passed, the people cheered... A song, lingering, the audience broke into a round of applause, I know, I succeeded!

  Standing on the podium, I was thrilled, there was a voice: "I want to climb step by step, waiting for the sun, quietly watching his face a little day, heavy shell has a big dream, wrapped in a gentle look to..." Yes, no matter how ordinary you, how small, how much heart, how big is the stage.


  Silver and silver moonlight shone on the transparent glass, faint shadow shaking.

  I quietly walked to the window and caressed the cold glass, filled with unspeakable desire, mingled with the sad and happy, like a brook garden in my heart, happily ripples.

  Neighbor's sister came back from the high school today, touched my head and smiling to me about her things and examination, wish my next year's mid-term exam success.

  Now that she mention it, I realized, I have 2, halfway through time, that is not far from that terrible tests in each population also. First the numbness, then a little bit to eat away at the inside.

  Once upon a time, that is love to the lollipop stunned I have never thought of examination. Half cocked his head, listening to the cousin went to such as the good news, some lost, I don't know what examination means, only know cousin went to such as are all very happy, I also want to become everyone's eye. So, in my young heart fuzzy but firmly planted a cousin tested the dream - to go to school.

  Gradually, I grew up, the examination by time into buried in the soil of dreams, disappeared, xi xi ha ha had a primary school time. Until the first time I entered door of junior high school. Someone asked me, do you want to enter the high school? For the first time felt strongly that expectation, the examination of the seed of the dream, in my expectantly under water, sprouted. Once again immersed in childhood of heroism -- I will enter junior high school. Remember the answer, as I am childish voice full of determination.

  But these days? I use clutches with skirts, efflorescence, numbness in time and again test, examination of the feeling from his very far away, a waste of time, test the dream gradually wither, dies.

  So once efforts? Sigh. When I become so decadent?

  Won't, won't make hard in vain, and won't let me dream broken, just like that. I have heard, heard the voice of the cry of the heart: I want to take an examination as! As the voice of the childhood, but does not like.

  Open a window, the wind is blowing, cold. I bit by bit to restore the examination of the dream, the artificial sweat, flowing tears should find their own direction.











  My dream is to one day, when I wake up from the dream, open assumed eyes, there's a whole new world. In this world, like smiling face bloomed flowers, the grass in the wind swing comfortably, towering trees is a loving grandfather, with his own body hold up a piece of green shade, protect these lovely "children". I as a vibrant path out of the forest, a small winding stream into the distance, limpid streams like as pure as a baby's mind, to reach out and its pollution. I looked at the water in the clear reflections, suddenly had an idea: I wish the clear brook, reflection of some more, some more, I hope to bring everyone in this world. But --

  Every time I think of it, I will be back to reality from illusion, feel dejected. I came to the window, looking at the gray sky; Look at the streets were flooded waste; Looked at the small weak blue flowers, the grass withered and yellow, small dry trees... . Mount Everest's snow sample contains mercury, manganese content in the Atlantic ocean have lead deposition, pole penguin body containing benzene, smoke in add sour... This all of all, are the result of the pollution. I burst into tears, a beautiful home planet is such a knife and cut a broken by people.

  My dream, deep down roots in the heart, I secretly determined: I want to study hard, grow up to be a good care environment, love the people of the earth. I will call you and I together to protect the environment. Allow yourself to dream the dream become a reality. As long as you work hard, I believe, everyone to like idyllic place would no longer be a dream. All of us together, start from the side, start from around things, take good care environment as a habit in my mind.


  Speak of the speech, I have something not less than 10 times. But I've never worked as a host. A flag-raising ceremony Monday, I had the privilege of selected by the teacher as a little host. Don't mention how happy my heart ah, preparation of particularly high passion.

  Before the start of a flag-raising will back live many lines. Such as: just one came to speak center street primary school the flag-raising ceremony start from now and then to introduce standard-bearer list, and then to hoist a flag, playing music, salute, value the teacher zhou, and so on. Due to my interest is high, it didn't take long back down. That's not a problem. The most important thing is that between the host and the flag raiser. For example: after shout out flag, playing music, three flag raiser is carrying a red flag with five stars with pride on the flag tower, the flag is fixed on the cable. No one knows exactly how long will it take to get these process, after a lot of cooperation training, we summarized a experience, from out of the flag, playing music to shout a flag-raising typically about 1 minute. And training a few times are controlled within 1 minute. Pace when we arranged the flag-raising, according to the old, don't go too fast or too slow, the flag of fixed good, want to wait for me, don't busy flag, after I yell out flag, playing music, heart functions for 60 seconds, then shout the flag-raising don't early not late, also avoid many times looking back, that's a good way.

  Don't look a little a flag-raising rally, less than an hour. However, should be very difficult. Require multiple levels of fit to do a good job. Through the flag-raising I understand the importance of cooperation. Through training, Monday will arrive soon. Morning, I get to school very early. And speech, the oath, the flag-raising, beat students training together, don't drum team classmates gathered for a while. A look at my watch, tone has soared, the original already at 7, 45, 10 minutes left. My heart, like with little rabbit, drumming. The flag-raising classmates and I am so nervous.

  I do not know when, have played the athletes march. A flag-raising ceremony to start now. The students have come to the playground. We several students and values miss zhou in stood on the stairs for the flag raising ceremony. Although, I stage for many times, but still let I chaired the first time, my in the mind also has no bottom. When teachers came to line up, I know now that I played. At this time the entire school teachers and students are standing on the platform below. After all, more than 1300 students, the number is high. Everyone wore a neat school uniforms. The whole like a group of a group of sheep on the playground. I don't know how, my legs trembled, couldn't support his own body, confident at peacetime training, gone, what can I do? How to do? My brain like a computer running very fast. A funny thing, I spun a managed to squeeze out a confident smile. Ah, have confidence in the world now selling. I walk in front of the most, three flag raiser chin behind, we all stood in the position of each. But I can't speak out, announced the "flag raising ceremony start now. Had to watch the classmates, looking at the playground opposite the big banyan tree, finally overcome nervousness, with a loud voice, I said "now the flag-raising ceremony start".

  Finished the flag-raising ceremony, I was announced "the flag-raising ceremony to the end." For the first time when the host feels good! My dream is when a presenter, to the dream to yo.






























  Life only has the direction of dream, life is the first step in our hope, dream is actually on the left and right hand. Have a dream, life will never stop, because tolerance on ideal dreams, longing, hope, goals and wishes. Every dream is a good expectation, dream of life is the true meaning of life, it is life dancing vitality, is also one of the most melodious notes. The dream is beautiful, a dream come true it has long been my eternal faith.

  But, we only through their own efforts and struggle, with the right way and right way, to put the dream into reality, to light up the life, show the brilliant. Dream the biggest significance is to give people a way forward, the ultimate goal. Don't put the dream as a dream, dream great man, and man is the great dream as the target to persistent pursuit and dream is the spirit of the people level. I also know, walk the first step in life, is the basis of the based your life path.

  My dream is to go to xiamen university and when take part in the happy boys, I'll try to achieve it, I dream, I want to be a good-hearted person, I want to help the old man to live a happy life, for better security of food, I want to build a love school, let the children can learn more knowledge... And so on.

  I want to be a caring person because a good-hearted person, in all the behavior of the whole course of life, is to love the interpretation and performance. Love is a long journey of mind, is a can't sing the song. In the journey of love, there is no line, no track, sincere love is the only navigation. Love makes us happier in the taste of life bit by bit, to make our life more meaningful and more valuable.

  Love is a kind of magic power, it makes the world becomes colorful. More about other people's recognition and praise, more concern for the weak and compassion, you will find that other people's smile is so beautiful, so brilliant. More care and encouragement for the friend, more love to his family, you will understand there are a lot of things in the world do not have to haggle over every ounce, every moment of happiness is to cherish. Have a gentle heart, learn to pay, will get the trust and caring of others, someone will share the joys and sorrows with us in the life on the road. Have a sincere love, no matter how difficult bumpy life, we all took a straight, with actions shows that the tension of life.

  Dream is our way forward, it is a piece of land, let us grow make extraordinary dreams lead us to make the most solid first step in life, please believe, have a dream everything is possible!


  At the age of five, Im dancing, set foot on the red carpet, childishly hopping, although the stiff movements, dance immature, but is sincere. I think the dance is very interesting. Still dancing at the age of nine, I, on the red carpet, quietly dance and dance is graceful, the action is strong, but the expression is not in place, because I want to dance with your heart, dont want to use the expression to express his inner world.

  At that time, I fell in love with the dance. At the age of thirteen, I still dance, ornament in the red carpet, dancing gracefully. , step by step, I began to perfect his attempts to interpret the rhythm of the dance with your heart. At this moment, no longer feel interesting, dont just love, began to have a kind of pursuit, a kind of hope, a deep yearning.

  So, I desire to butterfly to dance lightly, dragonflies, standing on dancing on the stage. At this moment, silently in the heart lit a dream: to do a happy dancer... Because have a dream, so desperately pursue unceasingly. Wish the bottle is carrying my dream, full of my pursuit of the dance studio. I tried to practice, hopping, in spite of this, because I was born poor quality, are many, many others. An Harbin dance contest, I perform a solo dance, I practice carefully, dancing attentively, jumped many times, on the stage I hope at this time the opportunity to achieve desire.

  However, it turned out that I failed. Remember Im cry to step down, this time, a great hurt to me, after all my efforts into the landscape of others in the afternoon after all. Me down, but the heart of a kind of unspeakable power let me cant despair, perhaps because it is the pillar of my soul, the spirit of the backbone. I continue to chase, even if very difficult, very tired... In fact, I also know that some of the seeds are never blossom, but the seeds of the itching for the future full of hope, it was assumed that their efforts will converge into a strong light, illuminate its life, but little imagine, for it may be dark. My dream also is same, maybe there is no results, but I have no regrets, at least I tried, has experienced such a process, enjoy so “beautiful”, at this point, “success” seems to have much a new connotation. Because have a dream, so to strive for.

  Because have a dream, so we are not afraid of failure. Because have a dream, so do not lose direction. Because have a dream, so full of hope.


  I Have a Dream

  i have a dream, that is, one day my parents get old, they will not have any diseases, any pains or any sorrow. they will live happily until the day they have to leave for the other world. there’s always plenty of sunshine in their everyday life. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream, that is, one day all the dogs in the world will have their homes. they will be kindly taken care of, they will be deeply loved and they will be the most valuable friends to people. i also hope, all the people in the world will realize that dogs are the connection between human beings and heaven. this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream, that is one day there will be no wars in the world. no blood, no wounds, no deaths, no hate, only love and responsibility. we live together and love each other. there is no difference between us., this is my dream, this my greatest happiness.

  i have a dream , i have thousands of dreams. i dream that one day they can come true.

  this is my dream and it is my greatest happiness.


  Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.










