
时间:2022-05-16 10:51:00 求职信 我要投稿




英文求职信 篇1

  Dear S×r,

  × w×ll graduate from the Un×vers×ty of Kansas w×th a Masters degree ×n June of th×s year. My major ×s Pharmacy and × am very ×nterested ×n secur×ng a pos×t×on before × graduate, ×f poss×ble.

  × am a Ch×nese and my bachelor's degree ×s from Zhej×ang Un×vers×ty.

  × have long been hopeful of work×ng for you after × graduate, because × cons×der you the f×nest hosp×tal ×n th×s reg×on, × as sure that ×f × have the pr×v×lege of serv×ng ×n your pharmacy, × w×ll greatly ×ncrease my educat×on and my exper×ence.

  Needless to say, × w×ll have completed a standard course ×n pharmacy before × graduate ×n June. ×n add×t×on, × have chosen to elect all the courses ava×lable at my school ×n Hosp×tal Pharmacy. × d×d th×s because × have always wanted to be a hosp×tal pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Hark×n, Dr. M×ldred Carter, and Dr. ×r×ny Schultz have g×ve me perm×ss×on to use the×r names as reference.

  ×f you have a pos×t×on ava×lable after × graduate, × would apprec×ate ×t. ×f not, please keep my name on your f×le, because × cons×der your Pharmacy the best ×n th×s reg×on.

  S×ncerely yours,

英文求职信 篇2

  dear leaders:

  hello! first of all thank you for taking the time to read me the cover letter.

  i hu over the XX session of vocational and technical schools, professional secretarial fresh students, in july XX will face graduated, the following is my basic situation.

  i chose this school is in the form of work-study, in such an

  environment, both in knowledge and ability, personal qualities or accomplishments, i have benefited greatly. three years, the teacher's strict teachings and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge; in learning to master a certain amount of my professional knowledge, familiar with foreign affairs common

  etiquette, proficiency in operating a computer office software, 3ds max flash photoshop and so on. at the same time, in my spare time involved extensive measures of the large number of books, not only to eich themselves, but also to develop their abilities in various, more importantly, rigorous study and correct learning attitude shaped my simple, stable personality characteristics.

  i have a half years of working experience in the united states, sony internship, there are certain social practices, through the year and a half of work i learned a lot, but also to develop my perseverance and hard work spirit, enhance their sense of responsibility, communication skills and ability to learn, cultivate a spirit of

  solidarity, so that i can continue to work to overcome difficulties. i want my energy to get your loyalty and recognition, i am more rich social experience and helpful personality can get you to enjoy!

  i look forward to your flying the sky, i will use my sweat to prove your wise choice!

英文求职信 篇3

Dear leader,

  Hello! First of all, I appreciate your reading my materials in your busy schedule.

  I graduated from shandong university of traditional Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is professional, I don't want to enjoy "books to time square hate less" suffering, more don't want to be a "young don't work hard," idle young, needy old useless, therefore, in the university life, to accumulate and medical knowledge, improve their various aspects ability. During this period, I have mastered a solid theoretical foundation and made full use of my spare time to participate in clinical practice, which will lay a solid foundation for future clinical practice. Through a large number of clinical practice, I have preliminarily possessed the quality of a medical worker, I believe that the strength of the education, I will realize my life value on the medical path. If knowledge make me have the courage to step into your threshold, to choose and accept you, so, in my own ability and dedication and enthusiasm to the work, combined with their own plasticity and the pursuit of better learning professional knowledge, I think I'll economy in applicants, and become a member of your company. "The machine will try to understand its dull, and the horse will ride and know its good will." Maybe I am not the best, but I will keep trying. Don't seek a comfortable environment, but seek a chance to develop. I am confident that in my new job, I will be humble, steadfast, diligent and enterprising. I will soon be able to enter a new working environment, take on new roles and make satisfactory achievements.

  Look forward to your good news, and wish your company a thriving business.



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